After you have an account with CREE8 and have downloaded the CREE8 desktop client, you can easily select files and folders to upload to your highspeed cloud storage.
Here's how:
Start by logging into the Client application. Once inside, look for the upload arrow in the navigation bar and give it a click. This is where your uploading process begins.
Select the destination CREE8 Project you wish to load your files into. Projects you have been granted access to will appear on the left-hand side of the window.
Next, locate the files and/or folders you want to upload. With a simple drag and drop, place them into the main Upload menu. This action initiates the transfer, effortlessly moving your files into the system.
And that’s all there is to it! Your uploaded files will automatically go into a time-stamped folder on your storage. If you prefer a specific destination, select it, and your files will appear there once the upload and verification are complete.
You can also create a new sub-folder(s) and transfer directly into that if you wish.
With these steps, your files are successfully uploaded, organized, and ready for use.